Wednesday, January 29, 2014

R12.1.1 Maintenance Pack(7303030) failing EGOEXTDROP.sql ORA-20001: Drop Index: ORA-00955: Name Is Already Us

Recently our environment , we were facing the below error while applying the R12.1.1 Maintenance Pack(7303030).

EGOEXTDROP.sql ORA-20001: Drop Index: ORA-00955: Name Is Already Us

There is a DOC ID1370221.1 saying to rename the EGO_MSIB_EXT_B and EGO_MSIB_EXT_TL tables to backup, new names then rerun the script or Raise the SR.

Rasied the SR: 3-8458158891,performed the below Action plan provided by Oracle Developement.

drop public synonym EGO_MSIB_EXT_B;
drop public synonym EGO_MSIB_EXT_TL;
drop table ego.ego_msib_ext_b;
drop table ego.ego_msib_ext_tl;

and finally patch started running..