Thursday, July 28, 2011

FRM-92101 When Launching Forms on IBM AIX After fresh Install of EBS R12.1.1

Recently After fresh Install of R12.1.1 on IBM AIX , forms is not able to launch.. Getting the below error...

FRM-92101 : There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup.

This could happen due to invalid configuration. Please look into the web-server log file for details.

In Forms server log file:


formsweb: Forms session <3> aborted: runtime process failed during startup with errors exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program .../apps/tech_st/10.1.2/bin/frmweb because of the following errors:

rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnftboot was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnfoboot was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnfhboot was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnflboot was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nttini was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol ntusini was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol ntpini was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol ntzini was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnflgav was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnflrne was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnflfrm was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol nnflgapc was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol ldap_search_s was referenced
from module frmweb(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.


The forms executable was not relinked successfully.   The "failed during startup: no response from runtime process" error message occurs when first trying to initialize the forms process versus actually performing a forms function.The most common cause for the failed relink is that the file "ldflags" in $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 is missing or pointing to an incorrect location.


In several customer instances, $ORACLE_HOME/lib32/ldflags was a symbolic link that pointed to a location that did not exist.  This was resolved by performing the following UNIX commands to point the $ORACLE_HOME/lib32/ldflags to the $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ldflags :

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/lib32
$ rm ldflags
$ ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ldflags ldflags 

Then,  stop the web tier services ( stop) and relink the forms executable(s):
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/forms/lib32/
$ make -f install

Refer DOC ID:AIX/R12: FRM-92101 When Launching Forms; application.log shows symbols not found (rtld: 0712-001) (Doc ID 454427.1)

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